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  • I'd suggest reading the server rules in detail before filling out your next application. I am not a member of staff; though how can you be expected to follow the rules in-game if you can't put the effort in to spend a couple of minutes cross-referencing the rules while filling out your application? Good luck with the next attempt! :)
    Well, I used to be in previous forums, and I was used to there being different categories of threads where people could discuss other things. As for the rules, I have read them, and they were only about in-game matters. It was a mistake that I hope it doesn't affect my application.
    I feel that complaining like that was not the best move regardless of if there were other threads to post in. But hind-sight is 20/20 and though it is a long time to wait, you're still not barred from re-applying again. Hopefully in this time you can reflect on how both your first application's outcome and your ensuing post's outcome came to be.
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